Presentation of Platforms, Data & Applications
Presentation of Platforms & Data
> Discover, Use, Make and Share Maps - Mark Wigley, Esri Schweiz AG
Esri pioneer’s problem solving within a Geographical Information System (GIS), and are the global market leaders in GIS, helping over 1 million customers in all related fields since 1969.
We build ArcGIS, the world’s most powerful mapping and spatial analytics software and strongly believe location intelligence can unlock data’s full potential in every organisation.
The Esri Platform helps you Discover, Use, Make, and Share Maps from Any Device, Anywhere, at Any Time and the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is the foremost collection of geographic information from around the globe which includes maps, apps, and data layers to support your work. Recently we have harnessed our Spatial Analysis expertise with Data Science using AI, ML and Deep Learning as well as many open libraries and frameworks. ArcGIS is also now working together with R which is a powerful language for solving data science problems. By building cutting edge statistical models with R, and using ArcGIS for visualization and analysis, you can have the best of both worlds.
> SAP's spatial and geo capabilities - Ingo Peter, SAP
From managing flood to the digital transformation of palm trees, cloud technology seems to be moving from being an efficiency improver to a default platform of creating new business models. Dr. Ingo Peter will explain SAP’s spatial and geo capabilities and as well as the necessary cloud technologies such as drone images, temperature meter and sensors analysis in conjunction with this precision farming use case.
> – cantonal geodata from a single source - Dominic Kottmann, KKGEO is THE intercantonal portal to obtain geodata and -services. It aggregates and provides geodata managed by the cantons and municipalities. We give an insight to our offers and show some user-friendly applications already using
> HERE Open Location Platform - Christopher Hochmuth, HERE Technologies
A single place to find, build and share location data and services. Powerful developer tools and neutral data marketplace. One Place for mandy needs.
> Data power by bbp geomatik ag - Martin Probst, bbp geomatik AG
bbp geomatik ag is official distributor for the following global data suppliers:
- TomTom: routable road network and further data sets for mapping, online access via portals, historical and real-time traffic data
- HERE: routable road network and further data sets for mapping, online access via portals, in-door navigation
- MB-International: market data, purchasing power, administrative boundaries
> Entrance-to-POI Walking Times and Reachability Analysis with Walkalytics, Stephan Heuel, EBP
With walkalytics.GWR and walkalytics.STAT, we introduce two datasets which can be directly used in conjunction with open government datasets: the first one relates every Swiss entrance from the federal register of buildings and dwellings (GWR) with the closest public transportation stop including additional information such as walking time. The second dataset enhances the population and household statistics (STATPOP) and the business demography statistics (STATENT) with reachability measures for each hectar in Switzerland.
> Meteotest's Weather API - Beat Schaffner, Meteotest AG
Meteorological data required? Meteotest's Weather API offers worldwide coverage for past, present and forecast weather and climate data. Intelligent interpolation algorithms guarantee optimized location-specific results. Historical forecasts are suitable for training Machine Learning algorithms to recognize patterns in any circumstances where weather has an impact. Climate change scenarios allow planning for the future.
> Vector Tiles for official data at Swisstopo - Raphael Bovier, swisstopo
Vector tiles open up new opportunities for displaying geodata online. This technology creates light and quick maps. The “light base map” from swisstopo is now in the test phase. Use it for your analyses and applications.
Presentation of Applications
> Creation of 3D-model for noise pollution cadastre in Canton Aargau - Christa Stephan, Grolimund Partner
We illustrate the challenges in creating a 3D-model to be subsequently used for the creation of a noise pollution cadastre, using canton Aargau as an example (~1500km2).
The model includes such detailed elements as bridges and noise protection barriers. The data is obtained from a variety of different sources and formats and therefore requires a process of homogenization before incorporating into the model. It is important that quality control is undertaken at all stages of the process.
> Data Modeling with ArcGIS - Simon Albrecht-Widler, Meteotest AG
Meteotest combines state-of-the art modeling technologies with ArcGIS geoprocessing: 1) For processing SFOE's, we integrated a Meteonorm solar irradiation processor into ArcGIS Pro, taking advantage of the latter's 3D capabilities. 2) Air quality maps for Swiss authorities are calculated in a dispersion model implemented in ArcGIS, combined with a web application producing and visualizing hourly concentration maps. 3) With ArcGIS we pre-process aerial imagery for Machine Learning based object detection and publish the data-enriched results to be viewed in ArcGIS Online.
> Performing Spatial Analyses in the context of Natural Hazards - Nicolas Lenz, geo7
Dealing with Natural hazards belongs to the core business of insurance companies, real estate managers or the public administration. Many players rely on products from geo7 to know their exposition to natural hazards or to estimate risk and damage potential. geo7 possesses long-lasting experiences in hazard and risk assessment and knows how to model and simulate these topics using techniques from spatial analysis.
> Fine-grained Walkability Analysis for Switzerland - Susanne Bleisch, FHNW
Walkability analysis aims at investigating the role of the built environment in encouraging walking. A project in collaboration with social scientists evaluated the walkability of a Swiss city with a focus on the elderly population using a quantitative and qualitative mixed method approach. We employed spatial data analysis to derive walkability indices for a variety of factors. Multivariate glyph visualizations of those indices along the street network support visual analysis and communication of the results. Challenges include the high resolution required to relevantly analyse walkability in areas that are already highly walkable.
> Searching for Spatial Potentials in Real Estates - Patrick Schirmer, UrbanDataLab UDL
Scouting and due dilligence in the real estate industry require detailed local knowledge, which is costly and risks to be subjective. The ETH-SpinOff "UrbanDataLab" combines Geoprocessing, BigData and Machine Learning to propose an objective and scalable solution for this process. Core of the approach is the description of locations in more than 100 dimensions, which are used to predict user-centric demands.
> A GIS-based Method to Analyze Accessibility and Congestion of Supply Systems - Reto Jörg, Schweizerisches Gesundheitsobservatorium (Obsan)
Based on a review of the scientific literature in the field of health geography we developed a new method (MH3SFCA) to analyze the accessibility of supply systems which incorporates the strengths of existing Floating Catchment Area (FCA) methods. Given a spatially defined supply system the MH3SFCA calculates an interaction probability between all supply and demand points dependent on distance and the availability of substitutable supply opportunities. In a case study considering the primary health care system in Switzerland the MH3SFCA was used to calculate a spatial accessibility index (SPAI) for each population at the hectare level. Furthermore, the MH3SFCA allows to analyze the congestion of the supply system with respect to the spatial configuration of demand and supply competition.
> Combining business and geo data at ASFiNAG - Ingo Peter, SAP
ASFiNAG is the company in Austria responsible for security and maintenance of motorways and roads. In this speech you will discover how ASFiNAG gets insights by combining business data and GIS data. These new findings are in turn used for strategic traffic development and improved security on roads. The focus of this speech will be to outline what data is used and what the business outcomes were.
> Compelling examples for traffic analyses - Francine Constantin, bbp geomatik ag
bbp geomatik ag is presenting examples of analyses in connection with its geodata portfolio. The analyses range from multimodal accessibility in terms of time, distance or performance kilometres to bottleneck, origin-destination analysis on the road network as well as traffic monitoring. A novelty is TomTom's new "MOVE" portal, which allows the user to directly access the extensive database and to perform easy-to-use traffic analysis.
> Left or Right - How to harmonize real and virtual navigation? - Florian Hilti, Prisma Solutions
In the light of digitization and automation of driving, virtual navigation is becoming increasingly important. Nevertheless, it frequently occurs that physical road signs do not correspond with routes proposed by navigation services. The contradictory information confuses drivers and endangers traffic safety.
However, there are possibilities in which cantons and cities can master such challenges. By using innovative tools in combination with geospatial data, public authorities are enabled providing such virtual routing information in consistency with the reality. The collaboration between public authorities and service providers improves information content and leads to a win-win-situation. Finally, the analysis of dynamic traffic data from different sources allows authorities to understand motion behavior and acceptance of proposed routes.
> Business- and spatialdata analytics for insurance sales force - Philippe Studer, enolyst
The insurance sales force needs specific information about companies to exploit the sales potential. The enolyst platform combines the automatic processing of publicly available information and the integration of spatial data. The result is a data service that is exactly customized to the needs of the insurance sales force.